Charlie Paige is a division of Giftcraft with world-headquarter located in Brampton, Ontario and our US division is located in Williamsville, New York.
You can apply for a Charlie Paige retailer account by completing our online registration request on the home page. Please click - Become a retailer.
You can see the size chart on our product pages.
Charlie Paige is sold at various Gift and Fashion boutiques across USA and Canada.
Please go to our Store locater link on the home page to find the retailer nearest yo you.
Our wholesale showrooms are located in our world-headquarters in Brampton, Ontario, Atlanta AmericasMart in Atlanta, Georgia (Building 2, Showroom 1521) and the Las Vegas Market (Building C, Showroom C0654).
You can register as a retailer on the home page and purchase our new season collection from our wholesale site for your stores.
Charlie Paige products purchased or received as a gift should be returned to the store from which it was purchased. Returns and exchanges are subject to the store’s unique returns and exchange policy.
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